All District PI/CPC Chairpersons are members. The Committee Chairperson, Alternate Chairperson, and the Secretary/Treasurer are elected in Committee from current or rotating out PI/CPC District Chairpersons and past PI/CPC District Chairpersons, using the Third Legacy Procedure. Newly elected officers are presented for approval at the Area business meeting.
Offers a forum for the Districts to share their experience in carrying the A.A. message to the general public and to the professionals who, in their work, come in contact with alcoholics. Reviews and sometimes develops service literature and workbooks
Holds quarterly meetings where Districts may share their experience.
Distributes minutes of Committee meetings. Serves as a communication channel to and from the PI/CPC desks at G.S.O. Communicates with the Area Delegate. Presents a report of Committee activities orally at the Area business meeting and in written form for inclusion in the Area minutes.
Provides the Area Finance Committee with an annual request for funds at budget time.
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