Member Services Committees


1) Content shall include and be limited to:
a) The following AA literature:
i) 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts;
ii) A.A. Preamble;
iii) "I Am Responsible" and "Declaration of Unity" statement;
b) Information on Area Quarterlies, including the upcoming host district's flyer;
c) Hyperlinks to any AA World Services websites, such as the
i) General Service Office's, located at www.aa.org;
ii) The Grapevine, located at www.aagrapevine.org
d) A disclaimer to be found upon exiting the website to the above listed links;
e) Anonymous e-mail addresses of all Area 15 Officers (e.g. delegate@area15aa.org, treasurer@area15aa.org, etc.);
f) A "Delegates Corner" to be used by the Area Delegate for communication with the Area;
g) Individual pages for any Area 15 Standing Committees;
h) Information on Area 15 events, workshops and activities;


2) To create an Area Standing Committee responsible for the creation and maintenance of the website;
3) This committee shall be chaired by a webservant, to be appointed by the Area Chair;
4) The committee shall also consist of four additional voting members;
a) Members should be DCM's or ACM's, with GSR's and Alternate GSR's filling positions if not enough DCM's or ACM's are available;
b) Some technical knowledge about the internet is a plus;
c) These members will not be funded by the Area;
5) The Alternate Delegate shall be a member, ex officio;
6) The committee chair shall receive one night's lodging, unless otherwise funded;
7) The initial startup costs associated with registering and hosting the domain name, developing the website, and any other expenses shall not exceed $750;
8) The initial yearly budget for maintenance be $250;


9) In the spirit of cooperation, the webservant would be responsible for preparing a quarterly report to be presented for consideration to the PI/CPC committee which shall include:
a) updates to the website,
b) website activity,
c) summary of requests and correspondence;
10) Any major change or addition of the website's content must be approved by the Area 15 body;
11) The webservant shall also present a report to the Area body during the Area Business Meeting;
12) The website shall be maintained in accordance with the Traditions, the Concepts and Area 15's current practices.

Questions or comments?  Please contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you, one day at a time...